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Homework, or “learning outside of lessons” is work to be done outside the timetabled curriculum, and is a key driver in supporting and raising student achievement. It contains an element of independent study in that it is not usually directly supervised by a teacher. We feel that homework enhances student learning, improves achievement and develops students' study skills and as such is an integral part of the curriculum. As a result, it requires careful planning and integration into the scheme of work of each curriculum area, with subject areas given the autonomy to decide upon the most suitable format and delivery method for them.

The role of the student

● To ensure instructions for the task and deadline date are accurately recorded in planners (SEND students or students with profound EAL needs may need additional support)

● To ensure that homework is completed and handed in to meet the deadline

● To attempt completion to the best possible standard

● In case of any difficulties or barriers, to inform the class teacher of any difficulties at the first available opportunity


For further information regarding homework, please see our Curriculum policy or speak to your child's form tutor.

Our Values

We can achieve so much more than we think we can


Success doesn’t happen by accident


Everyone deserves to feel valued and important


Honesty and doing the right thing are what really counts


Life is better with fresh starts and second chances