Ofsted and school performance
Our most recent full Ofsted inspection (January 2024) graded Grace Academy Coventry as "Good" for Overall Effectiveness and "Outstanding" for Personal Development. A parent’s comment, typical of those of others taken directly from the Ofsted report, was, ‘Grace Academy is a beautiful school that teaches more than academics. They have a way of teaching the children empathy for others.’
Some other highlights from the glowing report include:
- There is a purposeful atmosphere around the school. Pupils can focus on their learning well. Pupils work hard and want to learn.
- The school places an exceptionally strong emphasis on pupils’ personal development. The school ‘puts its arm around the community’ to celebrate and support pupils inside and outside school.
- The school has successfully raised expectations around learning and behaviour. The school has developed a highly ambitious and well-sequenced curriculum. All pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), follow this curriculum. The school’s actions to improve the curriculum have led to improving pupil outcomes by the end of key stage 4.
- Sixth-form teachers engage students in ambitious, challenging and independent learning. This enables students to achieve well.
A link to the full January inspection report can be found here
Please see below for Ofsted reports and more detailed school performance information:
KS4 performance (provisional) (2023/2024)
Our most recent results have been recognised by 'The Excellence Hub' and have ranked us as the 47th Most Improved School in the country for progress. The full list can be found at the bottom of this page.
- Our Progress 8 figure was +0.31 (2023: Coventry and National average: -0.05 & -0.03 respectively)
- English, Maths, "EBacc" and "Open" subjects all demonstrate above-average student progress compared to national peers
- 38% of students achieved a Grade 5 (or above) in both English and Maths
- 61% of students achieved a Grade 4 (or above) in both English and Maths
- 32% of students achieved a Grade 7 (or above) in either English Literature or English Language
Measure |
Result |
Progress 8 score | +0.31 |
Attainment 8 score |
4.4 |
Percentage of pupils who achieved a pass (GCSE 4 or above) in English and Maths |
61% |
English Baccalaureate (Average Points Score) |
3.75 |
Percentage of pupils who continue in education, training or move into employment after KS4 |
% (2023/2034) |
Percentage of pupils who entered the English Baccalaureate |
29% |
KS5 performance (2024 provisional)
As was the case in 2022, neither the "Value Added" measure, nor English and/or Maths retake performance are reported as part of school performance. Our APS (Average Points Score) in both vocational and academic subjects were in line with national counterparts in 2022 and there were further improvements in 2023.
Average point score per A Level/academic entry (expressed as an A level grade) | C+ |
Average point score per A Level/academic entry | 31.78 |
Average point score per applied general entry (expressed as a vocational grade) | Distinction |
Average point score per applied general entry | 37.29 |
Average points per entry in best three qualifications (expressed as a grade) | |
Average points per entry in best three A levels (expressed as a grade) | C+ |
Average point score per entry in best three A level entries | 33.33 |
Retention (2021 Leavers) - from information published in February 2024
Qualification description | Retention level |
A Level | 100% (11 students) |
Applied general | 82% (16 students) |
Tech level | n/a (0 students) |
Tech certificate | n/a (0 students) |
Destinations (2021 Leavers) - from information published in February 2024
Destination |
Number of Students |
Percentage |
Attending Russell Group University |
Attending University |
15 |
52% |
Apprenticeship/Training |
2 |
7% |
Employment |
6 |
21% |
As yet undetermined |
3 |
10% |
Not in education, employment or training |
3 |
10% |
Parent View
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