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Results 2022: October tables

Year 11 results are now released!

You may be aware that schools’ results are shared in national performance tables every year, and recently the tables were updated to include the Year 11 results from Summer 2022. We are immensely proud to share our progress score of +0.23, which is a genuine “best ever” score for this school. This was achieved through the perseverance and dedication of our fantastic students and staff, supported admirably by yourselves as parents and carers. This is even more impressive when we consider the period of lockdown(s) for our students and their subsequent readjustment to returning to school at such a key point in their lives. When you speak to students, parents and other stakeholders it is clear that the quality of education delivered at Grace Academy gets better and better and these results just reaffirm this. 

We have the same standard and expectation for all year groups, and we take this opportunity to remind you that our school website contains information around the curriculum for each subject and year group, what is being studied, why, and how you can support your child in learning more and remembering more. The AP1 assessment window for all year groups is after half-term and dates are on the “Exams” section of the website. We will not be sending out individual or group reminders of dates or revision topics, as this information is provided on the website. Please support your child in preparing to the best of their ability, and in approaching these assessments with a positive attitude and “growth mindset”. 

Our Values

We can achieve so much more than we think we can


Success doesn’t happen by mistake


Everyone deserves to feel valued and important


Honesty and doing the right thing are what really counts


Life is better with fresh starts and second chances