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Local Governing Body (LGB)

Join our board of Governors and help transform the lives through learning.

Information about becoming a governor is attached.

The Local Governing Body is responsible to Tove Learning Trust for the oversight and strategic management of the Academy. Any enquiries, issues or concerns relating to the Academy should be raised with the Principal or their staff in the first instance.

Any letter intended for the Chair of Governors should be addressed to: Mr R Smith, c/o Mrs McAdam at .

A full list of Governors is shown below:

Member Status
Richard Smith Chair of Governors
Hannah Jones Governor
Richard Pettifor Governor
Julia Gallagher Governor
Kerry O'Grady Governor
Stephan Heghoyan Parent Governor
Alivia Seymour Staff Governor
Susan Poole Clerk to Governors
  • The local governing body appoints each governor after the completion of a skills audit to ensure a fully comprehensive cohort of governors.
  • The term of office is for a duration of four years after which a governor may be re-elected. All governors have been appointed by the Local Governing Body unless otherwise.
  • Governance functions are delegated to the Local Governing Body (LGB) by the TOVE Learning Trust Board.
  • The details of the scheme of delegation are contained within a scheme of delegation which can be found in the Governance section of the TOVE Learning Trust website here.
  • The governing body convenes at least once per term.


Declaration of Interest and attendance at Governors' Meetings

The declarations of interest for the Local Governing Body can be found in the document below, as can the attendance logs. 

Tove Learning Trust

The Trust is committed to ensuring that all students achieve as highly as possible and we work hard to offer stimulating environments that enable every learner to progress and flourish.

Our Values

We can achieve so much more than we think we can


Success doesn’t happen by accident


Everyone deserves to feel valued and important


Honesty and doing the right thing are what really counts


Life is better with fresh starts and second chances