Student care
Student care is at the forefront of our approach and actions. We strongly believe in developing the whole child, both academically and pastorally. All staff members embody the role of “professional parents” and understand the importance of developing and nurturing the whole child. Our form tutors see our students every morning and afternoon and are central to ensuring positive wellbeing. The importance of building positive relationships with our students enables them to thrive and achieve intentional excellence. Not only do we provide a broad and balanced curriculum, we also provide opportunities for students to take part in extra-curricular activities, school trips and a range of community events. We encourage our students to take on a range of leadership roles to develop their independence, communication skills and to prepare them
for life beyond school.
We have strong values and expect all students and staff to demonstrate “The Grace Way” around the Academy and in the wider community.
Our five core values are:
Limitless POTENTIAL: We can achieve so much more than we think we can
Intentional EXCELLENCE: Success doesn’t happen by mistake
Mutual RESPECT: Everyone deserves to feel valued and important
Genuine INTEGRITY: Honesty and doing the right thing are what really counts
Amazing GRACE: Life is better with fresh starts and second chances