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We take great pride in our students, our staff and our building. We also place great emphasis on standards of learning, conduct and behaviour. We operate a compulsory school uniform policy and all students in years 7 to 11 are required to wear the full Academy uniform at all times.

Our uniform fulfils three important functions:

  • It gives the Academy a clear identity;
  • It is an effective statement of our pride and sense of community;
  • It avoids any competition or stigma between individuals that can occur because of designer or fashion garments.

Students not in the full uniform will be sanctioned accordingly.

Sanctions may include:

  • confiscation of banned items of uniform, for example jumpers, hooded tops or jewellery
  • isolation, pending correct uniform being worn by an individual
  • refusal to be admitted on to site pending correct uniform being worn by an individual

All branded uniform can be purchased from Cat Ballou Original Ltd, 1-3 The Burges, Coventry, CV1 1HN or Clive Mark Schoolwear, 88-90 Barker Butts Lane, Coventry, CV6 1DY or online at If you have any issues with purchasing uniform, please contact your child's Head of Year for further support or guidance.

 Uniform - Years 7 to 11

Do wear

Don’t wear

Compulsory items (all year round)

Black Grace Academy Blazer, with appropriate coloured year group flash and Academy logo.


Plain white cotton shirt with a top button which should be fastened at ALL times.

Polo-shirts or fashion blouses.

Jumpers of any style or colour

Purple Grace Academy tie with GA logo on display below the knot.*

*Student Leadership purple and gold stripe, awarded by the Academy, should be worn instead of the plain purple tie if/when student leadership status is given.


Black, full-length trousers which hang below the ankle.


Plain black pleated skirt of knee length which hangs loose from the waist.

Denim or “fashion-style” trousers. (see appendix 1)

Non-pleated, tight or fashion skirts, pencil skirts. (see appendix 1)

Plain black socks, fully covering the foot and ankle to be worn with trousers


Black tights.

Ankle socks or socks with patterns
Socks worn with tights


Patterned or sheer tights.

Plain black leather shoes

Trainers, pumps, canvas shoes, boots, sports brands or stilettos.


Do wear

Don’t wear

Optional items

Winter coats/anoraks which are one single plain colour and do not display a logo

Denim jackets/coats, hooded tops, tracksuit tops or fashion jackets, coats with logos.

(No coats, gloves/scarves to be worn when  inside the Academy)

Plain black belt with a discrete buckle

Patterned, large-buckled or fashion belts

Black school-approved headscarf conforming to the  requirements below:

- The fabric should be lightweight and plain black. - The headscarf must be folded under the chin, taken round to the back of the neck and the ends tucked in. This conforms to health and safety and school requirements.

- The headscarf must be worn so that the collar and tie can be seen clearly. The reason for wearing the headscarf is to preserve modesty.

A photographic example of the above criteria for headscarves is available upon request.

Headscarves with headbands, brooches, shadow stripes, patterns, logos, embellishments, diamantes, tassels or colours other than black.

Plain hair band (white or black only)

Hair accessories, including bows and clip

Hair colouring and braids of a natural, single colour.

Colours other than natural, single colours, extreme hairstyles, spikes, patterns or shaved areas.

Shaved eyebrows.

One small plain, gold or silver single stud allowed in each ear lobe.

Mechanical watch.

Additional piercings anywhere else on the face or body, including tongue.

No smart watches.


PE kit

(Students not participating in a PE lesson are expected to bring kit so they can assist in the lesson).
It is recommended that all items are clearly marked with the student’s name.

Compulsory items

Grace Academy Rugby shirt

Grace Academy Polo shirt

Black Rugby/Football shorts

Black Rugby/Football socks

Plain Black PE shorts, plain black cycling shorts or plain black sports skirt

White ankle socks

Non-marking sports shoes 

Towel (if applicable)


Optional items

Shin pads

Grace Academy PE kit



Post 16 Students

Students attending our Sixth Form will not be expected to wear the Academy uniform, however they will be expected to attend in business dress as described below. The Academy reserves the right to send home students who are not conforming to the standard of dress required by the Academy. 

Do wear

Don’t wear

Suit type trouser. Subtle patterns allowed such as pinstripe. Tailored fit acceptable

Belts should be one colour (Dark grey/dark brown or tan/black)

A shirt and tie in a sober colour/subtle patterns

Formal/smart/leather shoe or boot - a modest heel is permitted

Formal, tailored suit-type skirts and dresses
Sober colour/patterns e.g. pinstripe
Skirt/dress must be no more than 10cm above the knee
Pencil skirts permitted

Blouse or top that is smart wear

Denim/chinos/skin tight trousers/shorts/leggings

T-shirts, polo shirts, Hawaiian shirts

Trainers, sports shoes, doc marten style boots, high stiletto heels

Tight skirts, short dresses


T-shirts, strappy tops, ‘cold shoulder’ tops

Additional Uniform Information

  • No rings
  • No bracelets
  • No necklaces
  • No make-up, false eye-lashes, nail varnish, or acrylic nails
  • Hair and braids must be a natural single colour, no extreme styles, spikes, patterns or shaved areas.
  • No shaved eyebrows
  • No chewing gum

All students must have:

  • A School Bag
  • A Student Planner 
  • A Pen & Pencil
  • A Rubber
  • A Ruler
  • A Locker key 

Students must have “The Grace 5” at all times:

  • A Student Planner
  • A Water Bottle
  • A Pencil Case
  • A Reading Book
  • A School Bag

Students are recommended to have:

  • A Calculator
  • Coloured Pencils

Students must not have:

  • Mobile Phones
  • Smart watches
  • Electronic Games
  • Ear Phones/Headphones (unless approved and pre-arranged with our SENCo)
  • Hoodies/Leather/Denim jackets
  • Walkman/Personal Stereo/MP3 player/iPod etc.

If seen, these items will be confiscated.

Our Values

We can achieve so much more than we think we can


Success doesn’t happen by accident


Everyone deserves to feel valued and important


Honesty and doing the right thing are what really counts


Life is better with fresh starts and second chances