About us
Student care
Policy documents
Ofsted and school performance
Curriculum and exams
The Grace Foundation
We’re extremely proud to announce that tickets are now on sale for this year’s performance of “Hairspray”! Rehearsals are in full swing & we’re working hard to make it even better than last year’s phenomenal performance of “Matilda”! #LimitlessPotential #Performance #Hairspray https://t.co/QqYhjJ6lQL
Happy Friday and Happy International Women’s Day! Brightening the day with flowers and sweet treats! #InternationalWomensDay2025 #appreciation #theGraceWay https://t.co/Frrf0NL7u2
Today Senior Leaders gathered at Grace Foundation headquarters to discuss the life altering work our Ethos teams do! We learned about the new exciting interventions that we’ll be offering including raising aspirations with Gemma Hunt & many more! #GraceFamily #LimitlessPotential https://t.co/QyEwkJmGDX
And that’s a wrap from the Grace family for this year! From quizzes and crafts to whole class reads we’ve really enjoyed World Book Day! Thanks to the departments who dressed up as team & a special thank you to Miss Banks for bringing the vision to life! #readingcommunity #Grace https://t.co/8rBrEopyvq
Celebrating World Book Day today in our magical library. A wonderfully large number of our students gathered to complete crafts, leave reviews and chat about all things books! What a fabulous lunchtime filled with fantastic fun! #worldbookday2025 #ReadingChampions #theGraceWay https://t.co/NUSSla7CUE
Kickstarting World Book Day with the final of our assemblies and handing out our £1 book tokens in tutor time! Can you spot who your teachers are dressed as? #worldbookday #readingforpleasure https://t.co/WRXYRIe1eR
We are SO excited for World Book Day tomorrow! Students are welcomed to take part in festivities at lunch time in the Library! #readyourway #worldbookday2025 #intentionalexcellence https://t.co/nS3KQaBQRo
Coventry Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme - Free activities and food for children on benefits related to Free School Meals visit: https://t.co/HQ2YcBk3Ou or email haf@coventry.gov.uk please book by Monday 10th March at 4pm https://t.co/juh63Ng6Eb
We can achieve so much more than we think we can
Success doesn’t happen by accident
Everyone deserves to feel valued and important
Honesty and doing the right thing are what really counts
Life is better with fresh starts and second chances
"The Grace Way is effective at keeping students on the right track. Students are on time for lessons and enjoy their lessons."
"We have made loads of cool things in Science practicals, the Drama studio and Nurture spaces are well equipped. Ethos is a great place to relax and form our positive community."
Mrs Moore
"I am proud to have worked at Grace for almost 15 years and believe we provide a rich experience of extra-curricular activities which help to push our students to become the best versions of themselves. The staff are committed to improving the outcomes of all students and I wouldn’t want to work anywhere else."
Year 11
"The teachers put out useful resources which help me in my learning. It has helped in my studies, meaning I'll have more opportunities in the future and this will support me in my goal to become an aerospace engineer"
Year 11
"Whenever I struggled previously - but particularly this year with the stress of exams - I feel like it is always recognised and it is resolved. Whatever it is, it is always tailored to me and isn't just generic support given to everyone"
Year 11
"With the students at the school it feels like a community where everyone is welcome. It feels like one big group and we are all in it together"
"Teachers are firm but fair. The lessons are good, I think my favourite lesson is definitely Art because it's very creative. The art facilities are really fantastic."
Year 7
"The teachers are so supportive and encourage you in what you're doing. I recently received an award for gaining the most positive points in the year group and for 100% attendance. This has really encouraged me to keep going."
Sixth Form Student
"I am enjoying Sixth Form at Grace Academy as the teachers are very committed to my success in all lessons, and encourage me to complete my studies to the best of my abilities."
Year 10
"I came to Grace Academy half way through a year group as I had to leave my old school due to bullying. I felt so accepted by all of the staff and students. It really is a supportive school and the staff are always around if you need them."
Head of Year 8
"Every day, I get to come to work with a staff body who share the same vision, goals and values. Grace Academy Coventry truly is more than a workplace: it is the hub of a whole community. Regardless a staff member’s role or experience, this shared passion is what makes it transcend the notion of ‘a school’. As a member of the community, I am proud to work at Grace and seeing how our students are nurtured, given opportunities and instilled with a love and passion for learning is what makes the job worthwhile."
Assistant Head of Key Stage
"Kind and compassionate staff body and students who are eager to thrive. I have never seen as many fantastic extra-curricular activities in a school as I have here. It's brilliant."
Sixth Form Student
I want to leave this school knowing I have given something back and made a difference as I have spent many hours within the school and so many of the staff have gone above and beyond for me, so I only see it as right to return this favour.
Sixth Form Student
Over the last five years that I have spent at Grace Academy Coventry, I have come to understand many things, including responsiblity, hard work and commitment.
Sixth Form Student
Grace Academy has taught me resilience and sheer determination to the extent that I achieved my goal of achieving grades from 7 to 9 which was a big achievement for me.
Sixth Form Student
I have been at Grace Academy since the start of Year 7 and loved the community, help and life lessons this school has taught me. Grace Academy has become a second home to me and many children like me who did not always like it at home. Also, this secondary home was housed with so many caring teachers that felt like they were my parents.
Sixth Form Student
This environment, that allowed me to find who I was, transformed my life for the better. I would not exchange the world for Grace Academy.
Sixth Form Student
It's been precisely 5 years since I joined the school in Year 7 and, honestly, it has been one of the best decisions I've made so far.
Sixth Form Student
I went on the Manchester Revolution trip with Mrs Williams and Mr Driver and I learnt skills like teamwork, commitment, courage and even leadership. This trip also taught me the struggle people go through to get to where they are and how helping fellow communities around our country is not optional, but it should be a worrying concern for us more fortunate individuals.
Mr Eaton
Assistant Head of Key Stage
Having been both a student and a member of staff, I can confidently say that Grace Academy has created and continued to nurture an environment that allows anyone within the community to thrive. As a community, we are all incredibly lucky – as staff, we have some of the most tenacious learners and for students we provide endless opportunities! I am proud to be a part of the Grace Family.
Miss Harvey
Head of Year and Science Teacher
Grace Academy embodies an energetic, enthusiastic and positive atmosphere. I love coming to work everyday! It is much more than a workplace, it is a large family with extremely supportive staff and students who are a delight to work with. Nothing is ever too much here at Grace and I am proud to work here, watching students grow, develop and thrive from all opportunities given in and out of lessons. I wouldn't change it for the world!
17 Mar – 28 Mar
Years 11 and 13 Mock Exams (AP2)
8:20am – 3:00pm
31 Mar – 04 Apr
School Production week (Hairspray)
8:20am – 3:00pm
04 Apr
Year 9 vaccinations
8:20am – 3:00pm
10 Apr
Years 7 and 12 Parents' Evening 4-7pm
4:00pm – 7:00pm
11 Apr
Careers/Fresher's Fayre
11:00am – 1:00pm
12 Apr – 27 Apr
0:00am – 11:55pm
05 May
MAY DAY BANK HOLIDAY (School Closed to Students)
8:20am – 3:00pm
07 May
Year 8 Parents' Evening 4-7pm
4:00pm – 7:00pm
24 May – 01 Jun
0:00am – 11:55pm
09 Jun – 13 Jun
Year 12 Mock Exams (AP3)
8:20am – 3:00pm
09 Jun – 20 Jun
Year 10 Mock Exams (AP3)
8:20am – 3:00pm
21 Jun
Summer Fayre
12:00pm – 4:00pm